Sunday, June 12, 2011


Michael and I live in what many have dubbed "Little Alamo"...others call it "Little Fort".  It's definitely different...constructed of red rocks/stones, petrified wood and fossils.  Unique?  Yes.  And so loved.  Okay, it's small...a tad over 900 sq. ft.  but it has many rooms...and guess what?  It has only one inside door and for those who visit...that is the bathroom door!   Whew, huh? 

Frankly there is no room for doors so, being a loving husband, Michael removed the doors and hung curtains for me (hey, couldn't have the world seeing my messy closets). 

M surprised me one day when he said, "Standing in one certain place, without moving, you can see into every room in our house" that's something.  Two bedrooms, a bath, hallway, dining room, living room, kitchen and last but not least...our combo utility, office and bistro.  Every inch is utilized and that the obstacles have been removed.  Obstacles tend to hamstring us...don't you find that to be true?

"When you take a step of faith, obstacles are removed and doors are opened. Do not stand there wondering if you made the right choice, but keep on moving as your destiny lies ahead"...Dayon Anteko Pitter.

Sometimes obstacles overpower me and faith is hard to come about Noah, Abraham/Sarah, all the many faithful in The Book...I I like that?  Should be...but it's those nagging doubts about the choices...such doubts!

After M's second retirement we were sort of lost as to what our future held.  We wanted and prayed to 'be used'.  Word of caution...pray carefully...very carefully.  Father had big surprises up His sleeves...whoa.  I was rather like Sarah and thought it was a first.  But jokes don't make you sob your heart out for days...moving to China?  You're kidding God....ha, ha, ha???  Oops...wiped that smile off my smug face 'cause He wasn't laughing...not even a little bit.

Next came one of my many 'wow' moments; I had no idea I was capable of what it took...but I did it...we did it together.  God, Michael and a very serious Vasca.  No idea of where in China we were going; just told them to use us wherever...needn't worry...'they' weren't the ones in charge...HE was and what a number He did on/with us!  You know lots about that, right?   
"When a door closes...look for an open window...but it may take a while to feel the breeze"...unknown.

At times, Michael and I have faced closed doors (some slammed in our faces) but we found & continue finding open windows.  Believe you me, God opens windows whenever & wherever He need for doors with Him around.  And oh my, such  a 'fresh and breezy' life.

From my heart...


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