Saturday, July 30, 2011


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"Be tuff...the "dog days" of summer can be wuff..."

I assumed the 'dog days of summer' were in August...but learned they can begin in June/July and go into September. 

This summer is a scorcher and just think...we're barely moving into August...aargh. I am extremely thankful that our home is easy to cool...the a/c is working properly...thank you God.

I wonder if the heat makes people more up tight, short-tempered and downright antsy! It certainly seems to be affecting the governing process of the country...poor people are working overtime to do what they should have had finished moons ago! Oh well. The heat's on...high heat.

Do you think 'we the people' will ever be able to live together...peaceably? Doesn't seem likely because we're fractured. Hey, businesses fail...people get their hours cut or lose their jobs...families even fracture...domino effect. People seem to be in limbo...uncertain of what's around the corner...uncertainty is frightening.

We live in such a wonderful country; most of us have more than the necessities of life...but...there may be something well do we know each other? I mean 'really know'each other.

I like privacy and quiet time...I also like people. Think a minute about how well you know me. Could you make a list of 'things I know about Vasca'...? I was sort of born asking questions and have never lost my curiousity ~ so I honestly try to get to know you.

Remember that post about vulnerability? At times I believe a fear factor enters and prevents me/us/you from really getting to know each other; or if it's easier to just go through the common rituals of 'How's it going?'... 'Oh, same-o same-o'...'Good, see 'ya later'.   Might be safer than taking time to show a greater interest in how you/me really are at that particular time...but...what if we never saw each other later? 

Last week a casual acquaintance saw me and mentioned that she had missed seeing me; she had the saddest look on her face. I smiled at her and she said "I know you pray; so please pray for me. I'm going to have to get a part-time job; my hours have been cut back. I have few skills and haven't had to job search in years". I'm praying fervently.

You know what? We need each other...we really need each other! You have something wrong...share it. I'm transparent and admittedly vulnerable but I feel comfortable in my transparent self. Probably I make some uncomfortable; but perhaps my openness will help someone who's suffering as I have and still do at times. It's all about caring and sharing with each's important.

Helen Keller said, "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."   Oh yes!

I believe God smiles when He watches our togetherness; even when the 'tuff days of summer are wuff...'

From my heart...

Friday, July 15, 2011


Last week, during worship, Cody asked us to share w/each other (be vulnerable). Okay friend, I'm sharing with you and guess that leaves me a tad wide open. Bear with me, okay?
M and I celebrated our 59th wedding anniversary a week ago. Oh things have changed. Here we are retired and drawing Social Security. What's going on...our president and the major political parties aren't nearly as congenial to each other these days or so it seems...grrr! A power struggle is really in high gear; seems power and money go hand in hand much of the time, don't you think?

I suppose most citizens are a tad anxious or even fearful. We seem to be surrounded by the deafening clamor of angry voices, doom and gloom, fear and all that goes with it. Wouldn't it be great if 100% of us put aside all the pettiness, complaining and downright a way of life? Do we have it in us to do it?

Marcus Aurelius said, "Dig within. Within is the wellspring of Good; and it is always ready to bubble up, if you just dig." Okay, so what about this?

I've been doing some digging on my own and I believe it's a good thing to 'get out of the boat' so to speak. Oh yes, it's safe and comfy (in a sense) to stay in the boat...but I seem to remember someone walking on the water. Only drawback to that is...if I want to walk on water I've gotta' get out of the boat...takes faith. That isn't an easy thing but once you get the hang of it? It's,'s a 'walk on the water'.

Some of the time that activity is full of obstacles...and Satan can really do a number on us, right? Like? His family at South Main has been in a holding pattern since January. Much has happened and much hasn't happened...things seem to be standing almost still.

But wait...our seven shepherds are asking us to step up w/important decisions about the future. That means me and I can sit on the fence, in the middle of the other words 'sit this one out'. Aah, but I cannot, cannot do that...sure, it's risky but then He never told us our road would be a super freeway!

Eighteen months ago, the building program was just getting underway; M and I emptied our savings. Four months later M was diagnosed w/a very rare, incurable, fatal disease. People don't last long w/ usually takes years and years to even be diagnosed. Michael discovered it by himself...God work.

One month later an ENT surgeon took a biopsy of it...sent it to the pathologist.  Amyloidosis is only identifiable by ONE test (Congo Red Stain). Most physicians and pathologists don't tumble to it because it is soooo rare...our pathologist did the test...God work. We went from discovery to diagnosis in 5 weeks rather than five years or more.

So, here we are...eighteen months later with Father holding our hand as we're water walking. Not only does Michael continue maintaining his status quo, we find his condition is yet another very rare part of this rare is localized...God work.

We are enthusiastic about what God is doing at South Main. Let's face it, God gives and gives without restriction; He loves and loves without restriction. How can I do otherwise?

I've not written this to grandstand...I believe you know the two of us better than that. We simply have the desire to encourage.   Did we regret what we gave after discovering M's diagnosis? Never once. We figured we were in good hands no matter what. And what's super is that since then, we've managed to save half of what we gave 18 months ago...God work...He has given us the opportunity to do it again.

Susan Rabin said, "Enthusiasm is contagious. Be a carrier." Nothing's much warmer than a loving, caring, united family; that's an example for the world and who knows? Hmm, it might catch on. And remember..."Don't be afraid. Just believe."

So here I open book...vulnerable, unafraid and me; trust Him. 

From my heart.....